We are all familiar with the endless fight between weight training and cardio training. People who want to lose weight seem to think they have to choose between the two and then dedicate themselves towards that decision. 

Well, do you have to pick between the two or not? Today, We are going to compare the two and point out their differences.

Cardio Training

Treadmills in gym

Your cardiovascular system is related to your circulatory system, which includes your heart and blood vessels. They transport nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of your body and remove any wastes from them. 

Cardio training is any training that increases the heartbeat and raises your breathing rates. Because your pulse is rising, it brings more oxygen to your muscle cells. This results in healthier organs. Cardio improves the function of your heart, lunges, and circulatory system. 

You will lose more calories during one session of cardio compared to a session of weight training. So it is one way of losing weight. Further, it is very beneficial for the maintenance of your organs. It can even prevent certain illnesses due to the healthy circulation in your body. 

Even though it has some great health benefits, there are some disadvantages connected to the type of training. If you practice intense cardio training over a long period, it can lead to muscle mass loss. This can backfire since muscle mass burns calories as well. Muscles burn more calories than fat, even at rest. The more muscles you have, the more you burn.

So cardio is an efficient way to challenge your cardiovascular system. But if your goal is to gain muscle mass, weight training will be adequate for you.

Weight training


Lots of people are scared of weight training, especially women. It is believed this type of exercise can make you too bulky. But women are not built to get extremely muscular. So please, do not be scared! 

Weight training is any exercise that develops the strength and size of your body’s muscles. It creates lean muscle mass. As well as cardio training, weight training is also beneficial for your cardiovascular system. Besides this, it builds muscle due to resistance. So basically, you train your muscles using dumbbells, resistance bands, weighted bars, etc. Because of gravity, resistance is created, and you start building muscles.

Even though, during a cardio workout, you burn more calories compared to weight training. Resistance training burns calories up to 24 hours after you have done your session. This is a sustainable way of losing fat mass yet eating the right amount of calories. 

To a lot of people, this might not make any sense. How can I lose weight if I have to increase my body mass? Well, this is because lean muscle burns more calories than fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories can be burnt. Weight training not only decreases your body weight but also shapes your body. While cardio can give you a smaller body, weight training enhances the natural curve of your body and tones your body.


So we can all agree that the two types of training have benefits for our bodies in different ways. While weight training is to gain more muscle mass and weight loss, cardio is useful for your cardiovascular system. 

If your goal is to get a toned body, combining cardio and weight training is the better option for you. Practice more weight training (3 – 4 times a week) than cardio (1 – 2 times a week) during the week, and you are good to go! And most importantly, don’t forget to have fun while working out!


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