We all heard at least one of these myths that we are going to talk about today. They have been sticking around for decades. Now we are going to find out together if they were just a fable or the truth.

1. Microwaving your food destroys nutrients.

We begin our list with the machine in our kitchen that everybody has. People believe if you microwave your food, it loses all the good stuff. Well, for the most part, this is false.
The loss of nutrients depends on the cooking time and the heat level. Since a microwave usually doesn’t take as long as conventional cooking methods, it almost retains more of the nutrition in your food. So next time you can microwave your meal in peace without feeling guilty!

2. Dairy is the best thing for your bones

A lot of people think milk equals calcium. They mix them up for the same thing and think it is the best for your bones. Milk does contain calcium, but there are other excellent sources of it that you can eat. For example, dark-leafy greens contain a lot of calcium. Besides, lots of calcium is not the only thing you need for good bone health. Vitamin K and magnesium is also essential for your bones.
So instead of just chugging down milk, try to eat some leafy greens!

3. Eggs are not healthy for your heart

When a person has high cholesterol levels in their blood, they are dedicated to avoid eggs in their diet. This is not necessary. Eggs have many other benefits. Like they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and protein. Some studies even say that a person can eat one egg per day! The egg yolk does contain cholesterol, but very little of it actually makes it into the bloodstream.
It is not only a tasty breakfast but a nutritious one as well.

4. A gluten-free diet is better for anyone

Gluten has become a popular subject these days. A lot of restaurants and supermarkets have added gluten-free options to their product range. The reason for this is that many people got diagnosed with gluten intolerance. Although this was for medical reasons, a lot of people who don’t have this medical issue have hopped on the gluten-free train.
Because of this sudden elimination of gluten, a lot of research has been done. There is very little evidence that shows that cutting gluten out of your diet is beneficial for the average person. So next time you want to enjoy your burger, pizza or pasta, don’t worry, it is not bad for you!

5. Frozen and canned fruits and veggies are less nutritiousness then fresh ones

If you are doubtful to grab that canned pineapple over a fresh one, then read this. The foods fresh out of the ground have often gone through long journeys from the farm to the supermarket. Because of this, they need to preserve these foods. So they insert natural enzymes into the fresh fruits and veggies. While food processors quickly freeze their freshly picked products. This makes them contain more nutrients.

6. Carbs make you gain weight

People have this fear of carbohydrates. The myth says it makes you bloated and gain weight. Well, this is not true. Carbs are very much essential in a person’s life. If you are sporting a lot, they are necessary for building up muscles. Carbs give you energy because it contains sugars. So before a workout, it is smart to consume carbohydrates to have enough strength. And then after a workout, eat some protein to build up muscles and maintain them. Then again, there is a difference between carbs. There are carbs like whole-grain ones, brown rice and whole-wheat bread and pasta. They contain more fibres. So try to avoid refined carbs like white rice, white bread and white pasta.

7. Nuts are unhealthy junk food

Nuts have gotten a bad reputation due to their pretty high number in calories. Don’t let the calories scare you off, though. They are an excellent source of protein and fats. They also contain lots of nutrients.
Especially in a vegan or vegetarian diet, they are vital. Since they are very fulfilling and contain all kinds of good, they make the perfect snack or topping on a meal.

8. Fat-free and low-fat foods are always better than full-fat foods

When it comes to meat or dairy, low-fat options are always better. But if you’re talking about processed foods, it might be better to choose for the original full-fat option. Since these low-fat options have to have a similar taste to the original one, companies often add other unhealthy ingredients into the product. Adding sugar is often a solution to make it taste similar.
So at the end of the day, choosing a full-fat snack or just going for a piece of fruit or some nuts is the best option.

9. Juice cleansing is vital to detoxify your body

The body detoxifies itself naturally through your liver. So following a juice cleansing diet is not needed after binge eating unhealthy foods.
Juices in the first place, destroy natural fibres you find in fruits and vegetables. And some sugary juices are as bad as sodas. So it might even not do you any good.
In the future, when you feel bad for eating unhealthy for a while, go back to your regular diet or try to eat more healthy.

10. Yoghurt will help your digestive system back in order

Yoghurt is a typical snack, breakfast or even lunch that people love. It has some great benefits for you, but one might even say that it contains bacteria that bring your digestive system back in order.
Our body already has many bacteria from what we can benefit. No study has ever shown that yoghurt can play an extra roll in this. And even many yoghurts contain a lot of sugar.
So if you love eating this refreshing product, make sure it is not filled with empty calories and enjoy the benefits it has.

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