Whatever your goal may be, we are all no stranger to commitment problems, whether you are a beginner or a professional athlete. Starting your fitness journey to lose weight or perhaps tone up, it all starts with the right motivation. 
Are you having problems with that lately? No problem, we got you! Here are seven tips for you to enjoy to stay motivated during your fitness journey.


Computer with post-its

Find your why

Finding a reason why you want to start doing fitness is key to consistency. You are more likely to preserve the hard work you have been doing if you do that. Whenever you feel like quitting or slacking, you can remember those reasons to feel more motivated.
A little trick is to make post-its and put them around your house. Maybe put them on that bar of chocolate in the cabinet. Or perhaps the menu of that burger place you love so much. Each time you want to reach for them, you will get a wake-up call.

80 to 20 percent lifestyle

To keep going and stay motivated, you have to adapt to a 20 to 80 percent lifestyle, which means eating healthy 80 percent of the time and eating what you love 20 percent of the time. You will be able to keep consistency when you adapt to this lifestyle. Since you are still eating or drinking the things that you love, keeping track of healthy eating will be way more natural. 
So you will adapt to a healthy lifestyle without giving up on the foods that you love.
Police dog

Learn to be disciplined

For most people, this is the hardest part. Discipline is a skill someone has to learn, meaning it will not happen on its own. Making a schedule for every week is key to being disciplined. You will fit in all your activities and will create and find time for it. Make going to the gym a critical appointment every week to be sure you will do it. 

Stalk your process

Knowing that you are making progress is the best motivation you can have. Take a lot of pictures, so you know where you started and how far you have become—besides, not only your physique matters but also your mental health. Improving your mental health could have been a drive to why you started doing fitness in the first place. 
You feeling healthier and happier is already a huge accomplishment. Listen to your body!

Organize, prepare and succeed

You have to compare going to the gym to going to the supermarket. Going to the supermarket without a list is the same as going to the gym when not prepared. When you forget your list in the supermarket, you will eventually wonder and forget why you were there. You will bring home a bunch of random stuff you didn’t need. Well, fitness is not that much different. 
Preparing a workout and knowing what to do precisely will get you much further. Even setting a time limit will help you plan your day more efficiently. Not only the planning of the workout is essential, but preparing what to eat is as crucial.
So meal prep is the way to go. Prepare your meals on the weekend so you will not end up in a McDonald’s driveway.

A setback is a glitch, not a ditch

Everybody makes mistakes. Yes, this might sound a little cheesy to you, but it is nothing but the truth. If you miss a workout or order that greasy pizza you love, it does not mean your fitness journey ended and you will have to give up. Please don’t beat yourself up for it! 
Just get back on track the next day, and you will be fine. Also, you should remember, cheating once in a while will get you to keep going!

You are the change

Keep yourself motivated! Your mindset, attitude, and self-talk will determine everything. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one will. 
Give your life some quality. Put quality food in your body, surround yourself with positive people, and treat yourself like royalty. 
It is you who keeps yourself going!
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